Saturday, May 4, 2024

Distorted Bodies - "Gruss aus" series

The postcard is a part of the “Gruss aus” or “Greetings from” type of postcard design which was widespread around 1894-95.

In this case it depicts three Jews with very distorted bodies, their hooked noses very prminent in the image as well.

Marienbad was a luxury spa town in Czechoslovakia, catering to upper middle class clientele, of which there were many Jews.

Postcards show messages that show that although Jews may be wealthy, they will not really fit in and will remain alien.


Printer: Emil Köhn
Publisher: Ottmar Zieher
Printing Type: Chromolithography
Date: 1898 (postmark)

Rarity: ☝☝☝☝ Difficult to acquire

#postcards #JewsAreDifferent

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