Wednesday, August 2, 2023

National Comic Postal Card Company

Based in Chicago, Illinois.

Not much is known about this company. They operated out of Medinah Building in Chicago and had a line of postcards which they called "The Jewish Comic Post Cards" which was very successful.

Here is their advert from 1905 from "Geyer's Stationer", vol. XL no 238, August 17, 1905:

According to the copyright from 1905 for the "Matze Ponem Series", the people receiving the copyright were Joseph Aronson and Adolph Aronson (J. A. & A. A. - their initials)

Thank you to Vance Pollack and the Chicago Public Library for the help.

Check these postcards from this publisher:
Grosse Mishpoche Weh is mir

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