Shows the ultimate stereotype of the Jewish nose. It is a hooked nose with a downward turn of the tip of the nose. The 'Jewish nose' was singled out as a hostile caricature of Jews in mid-13th century Europe. Since the 18th century it has become the rule when showing what a Jew looks like.
What is the Jewish nose or the Hooked nose
The term 'Jewish nose' or 'hooked nose' is a harmful stereotype perpetuating a perceived physical trait associated with some Jewish individuals, suggesting a prominent or curved nose shape. However, it's crucial to emphasize that stereotypes are inaccurate and offensive. Stereotypes only fuel prejudice, discrimination, and bias. Jewish people, like any other group, display a diverse range of physical characteristics. It's essential to promote understanding and respect for diversity rather than perpetuating harmful assumptions based on physical appearances. Stereotypes have no basis in science or fact and should be actively discouraged and challenged.Deltiology
Publisher: F. S. Backus
Date: 1905
From series 718 of “Say!” Each postcard in the series showed two different stereotypes.
Rarity: ☝☝☝☝
less than three seen by this blogger
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